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  • Carly Cusick

Balance and Music, Movement, and Wellness

This week we'll take a look at how BALANCE interacts with MUSIC, MOVEMENT, and the different dimensions of WELLNESS.

Balance and music: Last week we discussed how your hearing has a big impact on your balance. Studies show that sound, compared to a silent environment, can provide a stabilizing “anchor” effect which can help people maintain balance. Music can help with focus and relaxation, which are important aspects of balance.

Balance and movement: While “practicing” balance by standing on one leg is great, it’s not very typical of our every day life—it’s not functional movement. What we practice in class is DYNAMIC balance—balance while moving your body. How does it feel to take a BIG step to the side and then balance on one foot? What about moving your head side to side while working to maintain your balance? Or reaching your arm as far as you can to the side while sitting in a chair? These are all things we might encounter in our every day movements that we also practice in class.

Balance and wellness: Across all aspects of wellness, you could say that balance and wellness mutually impact each other. Meaning, for example, physical well-being is affected by balance, and balance is affected by physical well-being. I believe the same can be said for mental, emotional, and social well-being also.

It’s also important to recognize the important of BALANCING these different dimensions of wellness in your life. It is not healthy to put too much focus on one area and neglect the others. That’s why in our classes I make sure to emphasize all elements of wellness, not only the physical, as we all work to improve the balance IN our lives and the balance OF our lives.

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