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  • Carly C Houston

Balance Tips from Gymnasts

With the 2024 Paris Olympics in full swing, I thought it was only appropriate to look at the pros of BALANCE for a few tips! So what do gymnasts say helps them with their balance?

  • Look where you want to go. In other words, don't look down!

  • Watch your posture. Think of your body like a stack of blocks--if one is out of line from the rest, they are all more likely to topple. If they are right on top of each other, they'll stay that way. (Our blocks start with the feet, then knees, hips, shoulders, and head!)

  • Use your arms like a steering wheel. This, I'll admit, might be more helpful in terms of staying on a balance beam! But it can apply to the rest of us too. If you feel off balance, use your arms evenly on either side of you. If both arms are going to one side of your body, guess where the rest of you is going to go?

  • BREATHE! This will help you to stay relaxed, which is an important element of balance.

One last thing--while I don't recommend trying flips across a balance beam, it is a good drill to pretend like you are walking on one. Tandem walks are stepping one foot in front of the other, connecting your front heel to your back toe. You can try this forwards and backwards! It is a great way to practice and improve your balance. If it's too difficult this way, make your steps a little bit wider, and then narrow that stance as you get more comfortable with it.


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